Mommin Ain't Easy

Jump right in... For starters, being a mom is hard. Duh.. If you're a mom you know that “hard” doesn't even begin to describe it. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a full time working mom.

 IT. IS. HARD. Why? This is why....

You’re the maid. You’re the chef. You’re the nurse. You’re the chauffeur. You’re the pack mule. You’re the laundry doer and the grocery shopper. Youre the landscaper. You’re the gardener. You’re the shoulder to cry on. You’re the shoulder to lean on. You’re the rock. The foundation. The glue that holds the family together.

And some days you’re just TIRED. 
Some days you think you are doing a terrible job at being a mom. 
Some days you think you have no more energy left to pick up the food that was smashed into the rug for 40th time this week. (The white rug nonetheless) 
And some days you think you are useless because you can no longer contribute financially like you could before..

And trust me, we’ve all felt that. We’ve all cried in the bathroom. We’ve all pleaded for the kids to go to bed so you can sit in silence for just 10 minutes.... So it’s not just you.... We, as moms, totally understand. 

You are NOT a terrible mom because your son didn’t have a pottery barn monogrammed Easter egg basket.
You’re not a failure because dinner sucked and the house was a wreck. 
And NO you are not crazy for spending extra money at the grocery store so you can choose the organic options to make sure your family and sweet children are the healthiest they can be. (No shame in my game) 

You may not have a “job” in some people’s eyes, but you do. You have 200 full time jobs. That you don’t get to clock out of at 5 pm Monday- Friday. It’s 24-7 365. People envy your job(s). It’s a blessing not a curse. It’s the greatest blessing in the world. Cherish it. 

So yes. It’s tiring. Yes it’s hard. And yes YOU CAN. You rock. You are the rock. And you keep rockin. Day after day after day. 
