20 Miles of Fun

A little late to write about my Sunday long run, but when you’re a mom full time- time can quickly get away from you! Sunday was my last long run before race day. For those who don’t know, I’m running the BMW Dallas Marathon on Dec 10th! My first ever full marathon! That’s right.. 26.2 miles. Why? Because I’m freaking nuts and love to run. 
So anyway.. Sunday’s run consisted of 20 miles of non stop running. ( i   try to choose Sunday’s for my long run days because my husband is off on Sundays and he can watch Caden while  i  go run. If i had to push the stroller for 4 hours i would tough it out, but what toddler would want to be in a stroller for that long? I would be Worlds Worst Mother if i even thought about asking that much of a 16 month old!!)
Thankfully my sweet mother volunteered to follow me on her bike. What a saint right? I also made the huge mistake of leaving my wireless headphones (beats) on the charger so i was music-less for 4 hours. Not only am i thankful my mom was there for my safety, but she also distracted me from just thinking about how boring that run was. We talked the whole time up until about mile 17. After that 17 mile marker was crossed, i was so tired and physically hurting (my knees. I’m old) that i had to just bear down and focus on putting one foot in front of the other for those last 3 miles! My mom encouraged me the whole time and kept talking to me even though i couldn’t/didn’t want to say anything back. She is awesome right??!!! I love doing my long runs at a park in Waxahachie called Getzendaner Memorial Park. It’s a 7.5ish mile (round trip) paved running trail surrounded by beautiful trees and open fields filled with horses as well as a creek! I went out and back twice and ran a few extra side streets to make the course add up to 20 miles. I run with a camelbak as well as Gu and some sort of electrolyte chews to keep me fueled! These are a MUST for runs (personally) past 10 miles! What I’ve learned through this furthest run is that I am capable of so much. Our bodies can do so much if we only push our limits. It’s almost a dare. Which is something i previously talked about.. dare to reach those goals that people say are crazy. If your goals and dreams are crazy then they’re probably AWESOME! but seriously y’all. Push your limits. I PROMISE you won’t be disappointed. In fact, you will be shocked at how much your body can actually do. It’s your mind that you have to convince. If you can get past that mind game, you can achieve ANYTHING!  Stay tuned for my final days of marathon training and preparation!
