If Dad Bods Are Hot, What Are Mom Bods?

Dad Bod Vs Mom Bod.... This is a topic I’ve been passionate about since becoming a mom. Although it’s sort of a joke that Dad Bods are hot, it makes it socially acceptable for dad’s to be a little chubby, but if a Mom is a little chubby.... it’s definitely not sexy according to societal standards.. HEAVEN FORBID YOU GAIN A LITTLE WEIGHT WHILE CARRYING A LIVING BREATHING CHILD. 
Ok so we’ve all experienced changes in our bodies one way or another. Good or bad. Through my change in particular, new life was born. What a blessing! And i love my son more and more every day. 
Now.. I’m talking to the moms (new or veterans) who look in the mirror and don’t recognize themselves anymore. Whether this is your first or fifth child. You see stretch marks, you see stretched out  and loose skin, you see love handles, you see cellulite in places you never thought could even exist, and dammit you see those saggy boobs (thank God for boob jobs). I never thought my body could look the way it did after i had my son. I assumed after he came out that i would magically look like i did pre-baby. Abs and all. Right? That’s how it works? Wrong! That 60 lbs wasn’t going to just fall off! (Yes you read that right. I gained that much during pregnancy) I worked out and ate healthy the whole pregnancy too. How annoying is that. I struggled for months trying to cope with this new body i was given. I wanted so desperately to just look “normal” again.. i couldn’t stand to look at myself! I started my workout routine again, Running, eating healthy, everything. But Y’all postpartum is hard. Emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, everything. No matter how many times you’ve been there. Not only are you getting used to a new baby but a new body! So many changes! But I’m here to tell you... you are a MOM. You are strong, you are amazing, you are beautiful, you are perfect. You were put on this earth to do the very thing you are doing! 
But I promise if you put in the work to take care your body you will reap the benefits! It may not be overnight. It may not be for a whole year (like me) or longer! But it WILL come.  Just be patient and understand that you did something some women desperately long to do. That in and of itself is a miracle. So don’t read those magazines that say you should look this way, don’t listen to that show that says your body needs to look that way, and don’t give attention to the people that shame you for a body that doesn’t match their definition as “sexy”.  Besides, didn’t our moms always say to “never listen to what society says” anyway?! And when is Mom ever wrong? Exactly...

Fast forward to right now. My body is still different when i    look in the mirror.. I’m almost finished training for a marathon and i still look in the mirror and see stretch marks, saggy boobs (when’s that boob job coming babe?), loose skin, and a weird looking belly button. What’s the difference between a few months ago and now? (Other than finally losing the scale number of weight) The difference is I’ve finally discovered something.... wait for it.... WHO FREAKING CARES! That’s right. Who cares if you have stretch marks, moms! You freaking grew a human inside of your stomach (or 2 or 3 or 4), you labored for probably hours (21 hours for me), and you rocked the whole thing! Who cares if you have loose skin or a weird looking belly button or cellulite!!! You are a mother to someone who thinks you are perfect in every single way. You are a daughter of some One who thinks you are perfect in every single way. And that is enough. Hands down. Period. And until you can truly live and breathe that and believe that with every ounce of your being, you will continue to search for the perfection you can never obtain. No matter how much plastic and Botox you have. (To each their own) So take pride in your new body and be thankful for your little miracle(s) and continue to work on YOU! I am rooting for you! 
