Post Marathon, Cookies, and Bad Decisions.

It’s been an entire week since i finished the Dallas marathon. An entire week of soreness, no exercise, and lots of eating.... damn the holidays. So today i decided to get back on my running grind because i don’t want all those cookies and treats getting the best of me.. and i feel better about myself eating cookies if i run. Who’s with me? Yesterday i baked chocolate chip cookies (from scratch go me) per the hubby’s request. And instead of practicing even an ounce of self control, i ate my months quota of cookies in about 10 min.... just kidding................. I don’t have a quota. But i did eat about 9 cookies. But who’s counting?
In all seriousness though, i must recommend some sort of exercise/activity especially during this holiday season as we all have multiple Christmas parties, get togethers, neighbors bringing you cookies and chritmas treats, etc. As much as we would all like to eat anything and everything we want without consequence... we must make smart decisions. Eating 9 cookies was not a smart decision. But we live and learn right? Besides... which of you actually says to yourself “wow I’m so glad I just ate 3 pieces of pie” or “man I’m so proud of myself for eating a whole sheet of cookies” no one... unless you’re just lying to yourself or are just being annoying. ORRRR Unless you’re that person who eats whatever you want and literally doesn’t gain weight. I literally don’t like you. :)
So which brings me to today as i ran a light 4 miles on the treadmill while Caden napped. And by “light” i mean really, really slow and really really awkwardly because my legs were still almost jello-y. My legs aren’t 100% recovered from race day so i felt some soreness, tightness, stiffness, anything-else-ness. But i must say, it felt very nice to get that heart rate up again. There’s just something about running that makes me feel awesome. I would call it a runners high, but i think it’s just called crazy. Whichever though.
I signed up for my next race that is in March as well! The Dallas Rock N Roll HALF marathon. All caps there so people don’t skip over that super important word. HALF. I’m not crazy enough to run another full marathon...................... yet. :) but i do plan to run another! So if anyone wants to join Amand Reedy, Rebecca Chesney, and me during training runs and/or just for the race LET ME KNOW! The more the merrier. (March 25th. Plenty of time to train :))
