Rest and Recovery and The Dallas Zoo

Running  is just you, the work you put in, and the clock. You can’t cheat yourself. If you don’t put in the miles, you can’t go to the starting line thinking you’re going to pull a miracle out of nowhere. You get out exactly as much as you put in.“ This quote has resonated with me throughout this whole training season. Some days I don’t feel like running those long runs and some days i don’t even feel like running at all. But i know if i skip important training days that  when i get to that starting line on dec 10 i wouldn’t be able to 100% say to myself that i am as ready as i could ever be. So i drag myself out to that treadmill or that stroller out to the pavement and just GO. In this case it was the stroller and obviously my child who goes in it..

It is officially one week until race day. This past week after my 20 miler i had to take almost 5 day’s off because my quad was slightly strained. Super frustrating as I’ve put so many hours into this thing. But sometimes we have to let our bodies recover longer than we think it should! Our bodies do tell us when enough is enough. Listen to them. Recover. Rest. It’s good for you. I promise!    Which is so weird for me to say because i used to be that person who thought rest was for the weak. Which is probably why i got injured so much.... we will save that talk for a later day. My rest and recovery consisted of Epsom salt baths, the foam roller, and lots of stretching (my LEAST favorite thing to do).

 Our week (almost) of rest consisted of the Dallas Zoo for starters. A place everyone should go to and if you don't enjoy it then I'm not sure you have a soul. Here are just a few pictures of our time there. Caden's favorite part was feeding the giraffes!! And if you have a toddler you can only imagine the look of sheer disgust on his face when I ran out of lettuce. (What a terrible mom I am!! I also bought $10 worth of lettuce after that face...... what a rip off)
The penguins showed off for Caden.. shortly after he ran away from me trying to make a break for it.

 Caden was amazed that elephants could be so big! I mean I'm just guessing that's what he was thinking since obviously he can't talk yet..
STAY TUNED!! I have a post coming up talking about how being a student athlete changed my life. Partly for the best and partly for the worst. what? yes. So keep those eyes peeled.
