How I Took My Transformation To The Next Level

I find myself making excuses. A lot.  I also find myself hearing excuses. No one is immune to excuse-making. Unfortunately... 
so what do we do to fix it? 
For me, it was just about simply going and doing. 
it’s not easy going to run first thing in the morning or late at night after Caden finally decides to fall asleep. 
I would rather sit on the couch and enjoy my coffee in peace or a nice cold alcoholic beverage at night. (Sorry mom and dad) In which i mean sit on the couch in the morning and watch my 2 year old destroy our house. But whatever. 

It’s not fun waking up at 4:30 am to catch a 5 am Pilates or spin class or to get a cardio circuit in at the gym with Ryan. Who actually WANTS to do that? Not me. But most of the time if I want to get a workout in that day it’s what I HAVE to do. Especially now that Caden decided that naps aren’t his thing anymore.. if only he knew just how glorious naps were. 

So when I hear people saying “it’s too hot”, “it’s too hard” , “I’m not a runner” , “I just wasn’t made to workout” , “i work all day” , “this is just what my body is suppose to look like” I get SUPER annoyed. If you REALLY wanted to make a difference in yourself you would find time and energy. It’s there! Promise! Pretty simple.

And my favorite of all is the “I’m so jealous you are so fit. It must come naturally” or something along those lines... ok go away please. Did you not see how fat I was during pregnancy? Gah. Get outta here. If you only knew the amount of effort I put in! Along with all the other fit moms out there. It’s not easy or fun but we just do it. Sometimes you just gotta get off your ass and do something about it if you want to see some change. 

Now putting in work at the gym, studio, or hitting the pavement isn’t the ONLY factor into getting into shape or losing that baby weight.... it’s the kitchen. Oooooo the kitchen. The best room in the house. Or the worst. 

I love bread. I love cake. I love Oreos. I love rice. I love quinoa. I love oatmeal. I love mashed potatoes. I love Mac and cheese. I love chips. Any and ALL. I love anything that is like 99% carbs and/or sugar or close to it. Who doesn’t? But haven’t you heard that “abs are made in the kitchen?” 

For me and my body type carbs HATE me. They are not very nice. If I smell cookies I think I gain 2 lbs on my hips immediately. Fact.  Swear. 
Not to mention I have hypoglycemia so carbs make my blood sugar plummet. Resulting in passing out.. been there done that.. not fun. And expensive. 

So cutting out MOST carbs (not all.. come on now) was my key to really transforming my body to where I wanted it to be. I cut out a lot of things I loved. It was very hard and I think part of my soul died along the way. I was doing all the right things in the exercise world but once I changed my diet it took me to a WHOLE. NEW. LEVEL. 

(I’ll post some Paleo/Clean and Keto recipes I have found are delicious later on. )

With that being said, We still have cheat meals. I still eat dominos, sprinkles cupcakes, and donuts but it’s very rare.
Especially because I have no chill when it comes to food. I can’t just eat 1 slice of pizza and be good. I have to eat 1 whole large pizza and hate myself. But it’s fine. I’m fine. 
But you only live once. Just be conscious and mindful of what you put into your body. 

Keep an eye out for more running posts. I’ll also post a running program to get you ready for a half marathon! 

Now that I have finally been able to get back into it! Half marathon training has commenced.. the race is in November and I hope some of you will join me on this journey and maybe see you race day? 
