Kids are like marathons

I think kids are a lot like marathons in SO many different ways. Labor was a marathon, the back and forth argument for your toddler to pick up the toy he threw at you was a marathon, Terrible Two’s are currently a marathon, and just all the stuff in between.. sometimes at the end of the day i feel like i ran a marathon emotionally and mentally.. 

 but I think the greatest similarity is when you’re running a marathon (or in labor) you’re like “why did I do this?”, “this is awful make it stop”, “am I gonna die?” , “why didn’t I eat more beforehand”,... I mean I could go on for days. And the BEST is the “I’m never doing this again”. Come on.. we’ve all thought it!! Whether it’s another kid or another marathon, when you’re in the moment of pure pain and fatigue you really don’t want to do it to yourself again. (Or was that just me?) Yet we usually do it again..

 People always say you’ll forget the pain once they’re born (once the race is over) and you’ll want to do it again. I’m sorry but I didn’t forget the pain of labor for a solid 2 years. But i must say that the pain was absolutely worth the reward of a sweet little boy. 
On the flip side, post-marathon I thought “alright I’m good I can just check it off the bucket list and never do it again”. Then as time went by and I began to forget how bad every joint in my body hurt during the race I began to get the urge to run the Dallas Marathon again the following year. Isn’t that crazy? How we can forget the 21 hour pain of labor? And the 4ish hours of pain of a marathon? Enough to want to do it AGAIN? Gah. Nice play Lord. Nice play. 

The eternal reward is truly worth the temporary pain! So if you’re scared to do either one of those, trust me it is 1000000000x worth it and God gives parents these amazing gifts of knowledge and intuition to be the best parents we can be. (Not to mention an incredible battery recharge to function off of 30 min of sleep) 
And if you’ve been wanting to run a marathon but have never been a runner or are scared of the distance... just do it. Just try. I promise you won’t be disappointed! 
